Thoughts on Reading Through My Novel’s Third Draft

Three drafts of my WIP: first (in the box), second (blue), and third (clear)

In truth, the title to this post should actually be as follows:

“Thoughts on Reading Through My Novel’s Third Draft and Completing My Fourth Draft at More or Less the Same Time”.

Because that is how it went down.

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Thoughts on Having an Excerpt of My Novel Read By a Literary Agent

I’ve always believed that I’m a good writer.  But at the same time, I’ve always believed I still have much to learn.

At the intersection of these two opposing ideas is the place where I wonder whether, at this moment, I’m good enough for traditional publication.

Whether my historical fiction WIP, which I’ve believed in long enough to have now gone through three (soon to be four) drafts, is now good enough to at least pique the interest of a publishing professional, let alone snag and hold that interest for the duration.

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Thoughts on Completing My Novel’s Third Draft

And then there were three: first (green), second (blue), and third (clear) drafts of my WIP

It almost happened too fast for me to have any thoughts on the process at all.

Compared to the marathon of completing the second draft of my historical fiction WIP—which amounted to a complete rewrite of a draft written years ago—there was no way, I told myself, that I’d spend another year on draft three.

Or even the better part of a year

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How I Spent My Summer, 2017 Edition

I was not on vacation, even thought I was away from home for an entire month.

I seem to be unwittingly developing a habit for having “working summers”.

Despite occasionally going on what could be considered conventional vacations, some even involving trips abroad, over the past few years, I’ve not found much relaxation during my summers.

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Getting Ready for (More) Revision: My Favourite Revision Tips

I’ve read a lot of writing craft books in my life, but until recently, none of these were about revision.

The reason being because, until recently, I never had a completed, novel-length work in need of revising.

Never being the sort put the proverbial cart before the horse, I always wanted my education in writing to occur in an orderly sequence, comprising only those aspects of which I’d have immediate use.  This way of thinking served me well for the past 16 years, less the six of those I temporarily gave up writing altogether.

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A Small Sample of My Writing

Not that those who read my blog don’t get a sample of my writing every week.

And not just a small sample either.  I’m hardly one to skimp on either my words or the ideas conveyed with them.

No one has ever accused my writing style of being “spare”.  In university, I played the usual word-processor tricks with font size and margins, but in my case it was because my reports were always too long, not too short.

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